Blogging Again--Finding my Purpose in Blogging

    I can't believe I quit blogging several years ago. Since I love to write, and writing about my life ought to be the best fun of anything to write about, you would think I would want to keep it going (especially since I had my blog all set up so it wasn't HARD)! It may have been because something happened that I couldn't post pictures the way I had always been doing.But here I just did it again, and I was able to insert this beautiful winter wonderland scene from my dining room window. This is what it looks like in winter in Orem, Utah -- However, this was right after a snowstorm, and a lot of that snow has disappeared, so it isn't as beautiful here now as it was in this picture.

     The honest truth of the matter about writing this blog is that I can't guarantee to myself or anyone else that I will keep it up now, either, because one of the things I have done all my life is to start something and then go off and do something else, and completely forget the first thing I started!!!! Can you guess that I am easily distracted?
     Deciding on goals, projects, directions I want to go etc. is hard enough, but then I make a decision, make a good start, and get distracted and go another direction. It is amazing I get anything done! I guess that most of the time I eventually get back to the important writing in my journal every month, at least, and writing my Recipe, and Handy Hints column for Sr. Review,  and writing letters to my two missionary grandsons, and writing e-mails and texts to keep in touch with family and friends.  

Wow, I think I just hit on why I may have quit blogging, maybe I don't NEED to write a blog to give me a creative outlet.  On the other hand, there isn't anything very creative about writing e-mails or texts, or letters or journals. HMMM.  How is this different? Is this blog going to be creative ? Or just blowing off steam?Or just writing for the fun of writing? 

 No, none of those purposes would keep me coming back. I think this blog could be more a sharing of life's lessons. At 80 years of age you start feeling like you don't have much time left to share what you have spent a lifetime learning! That's it! This could be a forum for sharing my feelings at this stage of my life, and as I said, sharing some life lessons. So let's see what I come up with.

Lesson # 1--You can't get something from nothing! If you don't put any effort into a project, you can't expect it to be satisfying. Therefore, if I want this project to be satisfying, I have to learn how to use it and then do it regularly, so it is worthwhile to me, and to my readers,  or no-one will want to follow this blog, not even my own family.

Lesson # 2--Time disappears like magic, and before you know it you are one of the "older generation!"  Oh my! how in the world did I become the older generation?  It seems just months ago I was a young mother with a family to care for, and then minutes ago since I became a Grandma and started in the best time of my life--with grown children and wonderful grandchildren--NOW my youngest grandchild is 11 and my oldest is in his late 30's! My word, where did the time go? 

Lesson # 3--The older you get, the more important family is to you, and the harder it is to spend time with them. I learned a long time ago that each of those grown children (and now grown grandchildren) have their own lives to live and they have less and less time to be involved with Mom and Dad, or Grandma and Grandpa. We have to create our own life pretty much without them because they are so busy doing just what we did all those years ago--finding their way in life, finding who they are and what they want to do--and then doing it! I have learned not to expect family to come to us very often, we have more time, we go see them or make plans to do things as a family. (But we try to be very respectful of their schedules and their priorities when we do make plans or visit.) 

Lesson # 4: Life is a continual learning curve--right now I am learning how to use my Smart Phone, put pictures in my Life Story, how to be a successful Employment Specialist and really help people find jobs,  and how to overcome some weaknesses that are bugging me. 

Should I report my progress here? Would anyone care? I might. Now it is time to start dinner--till next time--TA DA--I started my blog again and I enjoyed it!

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