Caitlin's airport welcome

Amazingly, Caitlin's 18 month mission to Argentina is over and Dave and Kathy were able to travel there to meet the special people she worked with, and do some wonderful sight seeing and then come home with her. Above, Andrew welcomes her home with a big hug. I think he may have missed her! Below, Dave and Kathy and Caitlin arrive at the airport. First thing, Emily hugged her so hard she lost her missionary tag. Kathy, even after a long flight looked radiant--so happy to have her missionary home.

Caitlin was so impressive! She looked great, but was so sensitive to everyone who was there, and took time to greet each personally! Below, I get my turn for a good hug.

This is one of the sights that greeted Caitlin when she first came down the hall. Lots of welcome home signs and even some balloons!

Later, as we met at a restaurant all these beautiful gals got together for a picture. They are all related to me! Aren't I blessed? It was a very sweet time. WELCOME HOME CAITLIN.


Nicia said...

It was a great day! Way to be so on top of it, and post a blog about it already! :) Love you!

Kathy and Dave Whittle said...

I love all the pictures! In fact, you have several that we don't have. I'm hoping we might be able to get copies? I could help you e-mail them to us. Thanks again for being so supportive of us. We love you!